Tuesday 5 May 2015

Nail Ad Hairchart & Practice


  • Hair Protector and Shine Serum.
  • Straighteners.
  • Paddle Brush and Comb. 
  • Hairspray.
  • Hair Donut.
  • Hair Grips & Coloured Hair Bands.
For my Nail Ad design, I really wanted to channel that inner hair stylist that I knew has just been dying to come out. This isn't something we learnt in class or even something I had done before, but by looking at it, the structure and precise hairs that ravel into a bun- I knew it would be perfect for creating something sophisticated. In a way, it's not about the hair being seen, but knowing that I am developing in skill and trying new things should really show how much thought I put into this design. The hair will be slicked back out of the face, which fall into one with the shadows of the gobo lighting and frame the face of my model. 

Upon reflection, I feel that the plait works nicely incorporated into the bun, adds a little something extra, don't you think? More than anything, I need to work on making the style as smooth and slick as possible, as I don't want baby hairs to be peaking through the light and shadow of the gobo shoot. Although in the final shoot, I need to work as much as possible in styling the hair to get a straight finish, I think this hair design is sleek and perfect for my Giorgio Armani Nail Ad. 

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