Tuesday 24 February 2015

5 P's of Giorgio Armani - PRESENTATION & PROMOTION

Presentation & Promotion 
As I spoke about previously, the overall presentation of Armani caters to a wide target audience and very often gives off a high-quality, luxurious vibe. The presentation of my chosen brand is particularly important because it help me to translate that in my chosen design to represent the brand. Whilst minimal makeup seems to be a re-occuring theme, there are spurts of bright colour and glamour added in certain campaigns. An example of this, is their extremely popular and effective Rouge Ecstasy- The Ecstatic Beatbox advertisement where model's wearing the Rouge Ecstasy line are lip syncing to beatbox. Probably one of the most challenging shoots for a model that not only advertised Armani Beauty to the world in 2013, but opened up a whole new image that could affect their target audience, making it more youthful with this idea of beatboxing.

If you watch the overall advert, you'll understand that everything from the clicking noise the lipstick makes, to the use of sound makes this advert reach out to a wider audience and adds some fun and different medias to a makeup commercial. The clips not only show off the very bright lipstick range, but gives the audience an idea of texture you can get from using the lipstick and possibly even the longevity and wear of the product. I feel like this benefits my ideas and overall project because bright lips is something I have noticed a lot throughout researching the brand and is something I can maybe re-create in one of my five final looks? It has taught me about Armani Beauty's emphasis on the skin and lips, something that they possibly specialise in and would need to be something I really focus on and perfect in all my final images. Looking at promotion and presentation both come hand-in-hand to help me evaluate my brand and help me to understand what sort of image they are trying to give off. Something that effects this, which you wouldn't think to look at is where Armani Beauty put their promotions in order to present themselves. From my understanding of the brand and through research I have found that Armani Beauty doesn't realise a lot of advertising through t.v and publications- with this being their default on a day-to-day basis, unless I went looking for the advertisements I wouldn't find any. This being said Armani Perfume adverts are definitely more well known than their makeup ones and this is possibly why people do not pay as much attention to Armani. as opposed to a high fashion beauty brand like Lancome or Dior. The idea behind this brand is by placing their advertisements and forms of promotion in higher-end magazines like Vogue and some more commercial, such as Cosmopolitan and Glamour- they are targeting that more luxurious aspect and audience rather than just putting it in Heat or your average everyday woman gossip mag.

Now, previously I have spoke and analysed some of Armani's beauty advertisements, but though this would the perfect chance to really uncover some of the popular ones, see how they could effect my final looks, influence me and just see how they are popular and why. In particular, I wanted to discuss the use of Megan Fox in their beauty advertisements and how that affects their brand and audience.


As you can see from the ad itself, beauty speaks for itself. The advert is to promote their 'Eyes to Kill' range that naturally, would be endorsed by a well-known woman with the most stunning eyes in the world; Megan Fox. The eyes to kill line has been progressing from 2012 onwards with mascaras, liners and shadows evoking a mysterious and sultry side to Armani- hence why they probably used miss fox. I'm actually going to be very critical of this image because it's as if Armani are just letting Megan Fox's face do the work but somehow that just isn't enough- where are the lashes? It's meant to be a mascara promo and more than anything I am focusing my eyes on the skin and pouty pink lips. By using Megan Fox in the beauty ads, it leaves the elderly woman confused- who is Megan Fox? But relates to your average adult and young adult because they know who Megan is and why wouldn't they want to have makeup like hers, and use the same products? I feel like this advertisement and overall look of sultry, slightly smoky glamour is definitely something I could re-create for either my Evening or High Summer/ Beach look. 

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