Tuesday 24 February 2015

History of Giorgio Armani Beauty

Let's talk history...
So, whilst I won't bore you with the synopsis of Giorgio Armani, I will tell you that the Italian designer and icon has built quite an empire for himself. When you visit even the Armani Beauty website there is a section on the bottom left corner of the home page titled 'World of Armani', where you are able to browse through the initial clothing line that stemmed all of Armani's other creations. Armani Jeans, AX, Armani Junior; the list goes on but what was it like at the very beginning? Born in 1934, Giorgio Armani was initially a clothing line of luxurious everyday wear with a side of very high fashion and quality materials. Over time the whole brand has progressed and even gone down the beauty path- which is essentially what makes this whole post even relevant to my work. Armani once told InStyle magazine that "Think how liberating it is for a designer to make one dress, perfectly, to satisfy only one customer.". I found this quote very interesting because it almost takes us back to that idea of luxuriousness and quality rather than quantity which can most definitely be applied to the beauty side of Armani. Notice that the looks throughout Armani are not outrageous or maybe even less artistic than other makeup brands, but still embodies that whole idea of inner beauty, sexiness and just creating glamour based on features and details you already own.

I wanted to talk about an early fashion advert first to see where the idea of their makeup came from. This beautifully androgynous advert from 1991 reflects a very high fashion 90's look but just look at the makeup- it's flaw ness with that dark sultry 90's vibe. Karen Mulder is the perfect model but unfortunately I couldn't find the makeup artist for this old print Armani advert- however, I'm 100% sure it's that small writing that is literally impossible to read. As you can see from the ad itself, the makeup for Armani has apparently been very sultry but still forgiving for many years. 

“My vision was clear: I believed in getting rid of the artifice of clothing. I believed in neutral colors.”- Giorgio Armani 
This quote, to me says that in a way the whole Armani image is very much about quality and almost fashion in a traditional sense.  It's almost like Armani made boring colours of the 90's like neutrals and brown shades a trend, and this can applied to the beauty line as well. The use of colour in this image is actually very smart because first of all, it's a sepia fade image but still you can see the texture and wisp of the hair through the brow tones. The brows are naturally on point but not over done, the eyes are dark and sultry to reflect the clothing and the lips are like a 'you lips but better' shade. This isn't necessarily important for someone else, but to me it's some sort of starting point and even small things like quotes help me slowly to understand the colour theory behind Armani and what ideas were initially there- eventually has this translated into the makeup line?

The Beginning of Armani Cosmetics...
Although Giorgio Armani as a designer brand was founded in 1975 the beauty/ cosmetic line was not debuted until the year of 2000- What a great way to start a new century? The cosmetic line itself is as i've said before, in partnership with Loreal where the actual products are distributed by the Loreal Company as part of an agreement. This being said, there wasn't always makeup/ cosmetics involved in the Giorgio Armani beauty line- it first started with Perfume. The very first eau de parfum that Giorgio Armani realised in 1982 under the signature label and name of 'Armani' and is one of 70 perfumes that Giorgio Armani caters to for both women and men. See how far the brand has come?

I thought it would be a brilliant idea to really look at how the perfumes have progressed and changed in packaging. So, a glass bottle appears to be timeless as is the Giorgio Armani Label. With these being kept the same the perfume bottles and others, if you look at other Armani perfume bottles whether they are for men or women are very minimal and elegant looking. The 'Armani' perfume by Giorgio Armani is now discontinued and will remain a true vintage perfume treasure for whoever still has it (you should really throw it out if you do).  So after years and years of perfecting the perfume side of beauty, Armani finally came out with their beauty/ cosmetic line in 2000. It is extremely hard to find photographs of Armani's first few products but I did manage to find a picture of their old lipstick range, and just really wanted to see how the makeup range has progressed, the same sort of idea that I had with the perfume. What was the cosmetic line like before?

As you can see there is a definite difference between the old Armani products and their upcoming or current products they have released for 2015. First off, the actual formulation of their lipsticks have progressed massively. The lipstick on the left is a Shine Lipstick by Giorgio Armani that almost wears like a tinted lip balm- nothing wrong with that but with such a basic name and formulation at designer price, was it worth it? The actual packaging of the product is black but back then had the colour and number on the top of the lipstick- very Loreal if you ask me. The tube itself has a very strange shape that isn't completely straight but slightly wider on the outer parts, and synchs in at the middle part of the tube. The outer packaging looks and imaginably feels cheap, almost like black card from the craft shop. Contrasted to this is the 2015 Armani Beauty packaging which tends to be the same for all the products (apart from those that are part of special line). The packaging is like a black lacquer finish, very high in shine and most likely not smudge proof. Armani have really branded their beauty line by adding their infamous silver logo that they didn't actually have before, they also have the Armani logo embedded in the actual lipstick which really adds that special luxurious feel- more worth your buck. The formulations of their products are now more striking and even matte. So, you can see from this small piece of information that Armani's brand and overall image has progressed so much overtime, helping to reflect the high-fashion but still natural vibe they're going for. 


Here are some slightly older adverts for Armani Cosmetics that I found online. Can you pick up on the use of that black background, leaving much of the attention being left on the model's face. The lips are actually very similar in these ads and the reason I am even looking at these is because I've researched and analysed newer adverts from my chosen brand so why not explore and see how their editorial makeup shoots have progressed? You can of course tell with these older ads that the use of Photoshop is quite heavy when really as an audience we want to see some of the skins texture. Something that definitely hasn't changed from these ads is the use of coordination, and that's something that is noticeable in many Armani Cosmetics adverts. 

n/a. (2015). Giorgio Armani Biography. Available: http://www.biography.com/people/giorgio-armani-9188652#personal-life. Last accessed 24th Feb 2015.

n/a. (2015). Armani. Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armani#Armani_Cosmetics. Last accessed 24th Feb 2015.

Ann Oldenburg . (n/a). Facts about Giorgio Armani Cosmetics .Available: http://www.ehow.co.uk/facts_5862660_giorgio-armani-cosmetics.html. Last accessed 24th Feb 2015.

PerfumeFairy. (2011). Armani Perfume - A Brief History . Available: http://perfumefairy.hubpages.com/hub/Armani-Perfume. Last accessed 24th Feb 2015 .

n/a. (2007). Giorgio Armani Code Eau de Parfum For Women - 75ml.Available: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Giorgio-Armani-Code-Parfum-Women/dp/B000PY7FRM. Last accessed 24th Feb 2015.

5 P's of Giorgio Armani - PRESENTATION & PROMOTION

Presentation & Promotion 
As I spoke about previously, the overall presentation of Armani caters to a wide target audience and very often gives off a high-quality, luxurious vibe. The presentation of my chosen brand is particularly important because it help me to translate that in my chosen design to represent the brand. Whilst minimal makeup seems to be a re-occuring theme, there are spurts of bright colour and glamour added in certain campaigns. An example of this, is their extremely popular and effective Rouge Ecstasy- The Ecstatic Beatbox advertisement where model's wearing the Rouge Ecstasy line are lip syncing to beatbox. Probably one of the most challenging shoots for a model that not only advertised Armani Beauty to the world in 2013, but opened up a whole new image that could affect their target audience, making it more youthful with this idea of beatboxing.

If you watch the overall advert, you'll understand that everything from the clicking noise the lipstick makes, to the use of sound makes this advert reach out to a wider audience and adds some fun and different medias to a makeup commercial. The clips not only show off the very bright lipstick range, but gives the audience an idea of texture you can get from using the lipstick and possibly even the longevity and wear of the product. I feel like this benefits my ideas and overall project because bright lips is something I have noticed a lot throughout researching the brand and is something I can maybe re-create in one of my five final looks? It has taught me about Armani Beauty's emphasis on the skin and lips, something that they possibly specialise in and would need to be something I really focus on and perfect in all my final images. Looking at promotion and presentation both come hand-in-hand to help me evaluate my brand and help me to understand what sort of image they are trying to give off. Something that effects this, which you wouldn't think to look at is where Armani Beauty put their promotions in order to present themselves. From my understanding of the brand and through research I have found that Armani Beauty doesn't realise a lot of advertising through t.v and publications- with this being their default on a day-to-day basis, unless I went looking for the advertisements I wouldn't find any. This being said Armani Perfume adverts are definitely more well known than their makeup ones and this is possibly why people do not pay as much attention to Armani. as opposed to a high fashion beauty brand like Lancome or Dior. The idea behind this brand is by placing their advertisements and forms of promotion in higher-end magazines like Vogue and some more commercial, such as Cosmopolitan and Glamour- they are targeting that more luxurious aspect and audience rather than just putting it in Heat or your average everyday woman gossip mag.

Now, previously I have spoke and analysed some of Armani's beauty advertisements, but though this would the perfect chance to really uncover some of the popular ones, see how they could effect my final looks, influence me and just see how they are popular and why. In particular, I wanted to discuss the use of Megan Fox in their beauty advertisements and how that affects their brand and audience.


As you can see from the ad itself, beauty speaks for itself. The advert is to promote their 'Eyes to Kill' range that naturally, would be endorsed by a well-known woman with the most stunning eyes in the world; Megan Fox. The eyes to kill line has been progressing from 2012 onwards with mascaras, liners and shadows evoking a mysterious and sultry side to Armani- hence why they probably used miss fox. I'm actually going to be very critical of this image because it's as if Armani are just letting Megan Fox's face do the work but somehow that just isn't enough- where are the lashes? It's meant to be a mascara promo and more than anything I am focusing my eyes on the skin and pouty pink lips. By using Megan Fox in the beauty ads, it leaves the elderly woman confused- who is Megan Fox? But relates to your average adult and young adult because they know who Megan is and why wouldn't they want to have makeup like hers, and use the same products? I feel like this advertisement and overall look of sultry, slightly smoky glamour is definitely something I could re-create for either my Evening or High Summer/ Beach look. 

Monday 16 February 2015

5 P's of Giorgio Armani - PRODUCT & PACKAGING


Giorgio Armani Beauty, home of the natural face and sultry smoky eyes. In this post I will be venturing out and further researching the 5 P's of Armani Beauty and what they basically stand for- Product, Packaging, Presentation, Promotion and Price-Point. I touched down on a few of these in my first blog post but here, I will go into more detail in order to really understand what sort of vibe Armani represent, and how I can replicate this myself for my project and final images. A bit of background information on the brand is always necessary, so we'll start with that as I haven't really touched down on it yet. Giorgio Armani Beauty is a designer beauty brand that is owned by Loreal, and is essentially a cosmetic range that reflects the designer fashion label, Giorgio Armani. From researching online and seeing how Loreal writes about this brand, I can understand that it is a 'Luxe' brand that should be interpreted with a slice of high fashion. The word 'Innovative' seems to pop up everywhere I research this brand and from what I understand this means that their beauty range is always creative, original and advanced in regards to formulation. The Loreal website definitely promotes skin and lips as their specialised products, and simplicity with outstanding formula seems to be a reoccurring theme with what the designer brand is trying to get across to their market. Talking of markets, it's always tricky to try and capture what market a beauty brand is targeted at, in regards to Armani Beauty it could quite literally be anymore- A well-off lady of leisure to just a single stay at home mum whom loves makeup. It could even be just a young girl or boy who blogs or works in the beauty and fashion industry. What I'm trying to say is that the target audience for this brand could be anyone from a youngster to a more mature lady but the brand image and packaging all comes to together to represent a more luxurious vibe- almost like designer makeup for your everyday woman.

Although the Giorgio Armani Beauty website doesn't much detail on the brand itself, it is however useful for understanding trends, application of products and general knowledge of what products do what. If you venture out into the Armani Beauty website and hover over makeup, you will find that under the 'FACE' menu, there is a page called 'Spring Glow'. This feature itself shows that Armani Beauty promotes that on-trend, catwalk fashion idea and then gives the audience products from their own line that can used to re-create this trend for themselves, in the comfort of their own home. My day-time look for this project will very likely be influenced by that Spring glow trend and in order to re-create this on a student budget will require me understanding the formulation and general product information. So, from my research if for my day-time photo shoot I want to replicate dewy and glowing skin I will look at products from their line such as their Luminous Silk Foundation and see what product information there is in order to find something that will create a similar finish. 


For example, this formulation and particular product is a favourite of mine and retails at £34.50. The product itself is described as "Silky, lightweight fluid foundation for seamless application". this immediately tells us, as an audience that the product is a light-medium coverage, leaving the skin silky smooth in feel but luminous and glowy in finish. The shade range, as I have found for many of the Armani Beauty products is very broad and ranges from light to dark complexion shades, this opens up the target audience of the product because it suits all skin types and the shade range varies by half, for example I am a 5.5- simply because a 6 is too dark and yellow, and a 5 is slightly to pink for my skin- do you see the diversity? Despite this being said, Giorgio Armani Beauty do not give information on what products suit what skin-types and this can often cause a lot of confusion, is this product for all skin types or for combination? Of course from using this foundation and researching I know it's a very complex formulation so it works well on both oily and dry skin but for people who just want to buy it, how will they know, does it need setting powder? You get my drift right? If we venture out into some colour, we come across the very daring and vibrant lipstick range from Armani Beauty. With having your bog standard fab lipsticks accompanied by brilliant campaigns (from my last post) we can also see that Armani Beauty as well as being on-trend are also very hands on with what is trending outside of the catwalk, for example matte lip lacquers have been all the craze this year just gone so therefore Armani have come out with their own luxurious rendition of the product- Lip Maestro. A wand of wonder that comes in 12 shades for a pricey £27, this puts Armani on the ranking for this trend along side the Lime Crime Velvetines whom's whole brand is the complete antithesis of Armani through the packaging, image and overall price-point. Another makeup trend that Armani have caught onto is the whole brow pomade type craze, initially founded by Anastasia Beverley Hills, but Armani have created their own Eye and Brow Maestro that can also be used on the eyes, very versatile and again set at a reasonable but pricey £27. 

I touched down on this briefly in previous posts but it definitely is something that needs referring to when uncovering the brand. The packaging is very simple but somehow luxurious in the same way. Their signature packaging is high-shine black with their Armani logo in silver and although it is very chanel-esque it promotes that luxurious vibe that can often come with designer beauty products. The Rouge Ecstasy and Lip Maestro range are in fact more daring with their packaging, with bright red, black and that silver logo to add some colour to their product line. So their standard product packaging is black with the silver logo, then their Ecstasy range is the same with a touch of red, but they also have their Eyes To Kill range which ventures away from the standard packaging and incorporates metallic shades of silver and off-gold. Overall the packaging looks expensive and grand which is then translated through their fairly expensive prices but like Chanel, is brand packaging that looks fabulous when being taken out for touch-ups and looks professional in a makeup artist kit. 


Loreal. (n/a). Giorgio Armani . Available: http://www.loreal.com/Brand.aspx?topcode=CorpTopic_Brand_Luxury_Armani. Last accessed 16th Feb 2015.

n/a. (n/a). Giorgio Armani Beauty. Available: http://www.armanibeauty.co.uk/make-up/face/spring-glow.aspx. Last accessed 16th Feb 2015.

Monday 9 February 2015

Uncovering Giorgio Armani Beauty Advertisement

Giorgio Armani Beauty Spring/ Summer 2013 

Whilst researching what advertisements my chosen brand had done in the past, I actually found it quite difficult to find details of the photographers and makeup and hair artists. Finally after coming across some beautiful pieces, I found the Armani Beauty Spring/ Summer 2013 campaigns which are all linked to the Armani makeup line and products that you can find in their collection. For this particular campaign, the colours used are very neutral and almost light in tone, natural upon application and sleek when it comes to the hair. Something that really stands out for me, are the lips of Catherine Mcneil whom models this campaign. The idea of using someone who looks picture perfect and a lot like Natalie Portman instantly attracts the public and women of all ages! Txema Yeste captured the beauty of Catherine by using head shots with a beauty lense, a lense that from what I understand, takes zoomed in perfect shots for makeup and head pictures. Something I've already noticed through my research is that the makeup is not only very clean-cut but made mysterious with the covering of hair or shadow over some of the face. Hairstylist, Shon (Hyungsun Ju) created a very subtle, tight up-do that adds a very chic, sleek and polished effect to the overall look and helps to really make the look and the model's face stand out. In regards to the makeup, of course we have the brilliant and flawless talent of Linda Castello, an international artist that I researched in my previous post 'Artist's that work with Giorgio Armani Beauty'. Castello captures Catherine's beauty perfectly, and manages to match the beauty shot with the corresponding logo on the other side of the two-page spread. There is slight shading in the face, complimented by matte finish skin and very little on the eyes, ad is natural and a lot of attention is drawn to the skin/face.


Adolf Loos. (2013). Giorgio Armani Beauty Spring Summer 2013 Campaign. Available: http://papuatattoo.com/beauty/giorgio-armani-beauty-spring-summer-2013-campaign/. Last accessed 9th Feb 2015.

Catwalk Foundation - Matte vs Dewy

Catwalk Foundation 411 -

In Kat Vogart's first practical lesson with us, we created and learnt some popular catwalk foundation finishes and re-created them on our models. After browsing through some images with Kat, we learnt that dewy skin is created in order for skin to look soft, moist and glowy. Less is always more when it comes to a more dewy, natural finish foundation and you should always be able to still see the textures of your model's natural skin. This could be freckles, bumps and creases. Prepping the skin is essential and often determines the outcome of your finish AND will always add that moisture you need. By applying moisturiser and a glowing primer, you can instantly add a natural glow and see where the skin shines naturally- will enable you to use less foundation. There is of course a fine line between oily and dewy, and this can be perfected with products that create luminosity rather than an oilier, shinier finish. By still using the least amount of product possible, you can go to the other side of the spectrum and go for an editorial matte finish foundation look. This means there is a slightly more prominent feature of coverage and least shine- even with matte skin, I still like to highlight the higher points of the face to still create a beautiful face. 

Products for Dewy Skin 
  • Satin Primer.
  • Light Coverage Foundation OR BB Cream.
  • Highlighter, cream is usually better for preserving that 'moist' look.
  • MAC Fix+/ Urban Decay Vitamin Complexion Spray.

Products for Matte Skin
  • Matte OR Satin Primer. 
  • Light to Medium Coverage Foundation.
  • Powder Highlighter - NARS 'Albatross' Highlighter is perfect!
  • Translucent Powder OR Powder Foundation for setting!

Catwalk Designers & SS15 Trends that suit Armani's Beauty Image

Glowing, Dewy Skin 

I chose to talk about this makeup trend because I honestly believe it is something that fits perfectly with my chosen brand- Giorgio Armani Beauty. From what I have researched, and when I have looked at other ads and campaigns, the makeup is very similar to this- natural, glowing and essentially- dewy. This makeup for Phillip Lim by NARS makeup artist, Francelle Daly is a perfect example of camera ready dewy skin that when photographed, really captures that dewy finish foundation and natural element to the overall look. In regards to why Daly chose this makeup, here's what she had to say backstage of the Spring/ Summer Phillip Lim Show. I think this suits my brand perfectly simply because Armani Beauty is very focused on the beautiful aspect of makeup, rather than the abstract and creative. The skin is never over-done, even in the highest-fashion ads, and models in various campaigns of there's are always looking dewy and have that glow to their skin. 

 ”My inspiration is sensuality; the way the morning lights hits you as you wake up in

your bedroom, with sensual skin beaming with rays of light. I highlighted the cheek bones, high
planes of the face and the bridge of the nose to accentuate and bring out that glow in each girl.”

Wet, Glossy Brows & Skin


This might seem similar to the previous catwalk trend, but is a lot more emphasised and noticeably...wet. I personally love the idea of gloss used on the lids, brows and skin. It adds an abstract but still beautiful aspect to the makeup and is different to your every-year catwalk natural dewy skin. The idea with this look is definitely "less is more" and Diane Kendal, whom was a massive hit backstage of SS15 explained this when asked what inspired her to design this wet look makeup for Thakoon SS15. The skin is of course, still with very little coverage, dewy and luminous but has that subtle hit of wetness on the eyes and through the brows. I think my chosen brand, Armani Beauty would definetly use this on their runway shows and in future ads- in fact they already have for a lot of their perfume campaigns that are linked to water or the ocean. A trend I am really loving!

”The inspiration for the collection is the artist, Paul Gauguin. Thakoon wanted the girls

to appear as if they were coming out of water, so the beauty look is all about the gloss on the
eyelid and brushed up into the brow. Less is more.”

Red/ Berry Lips 

A Makeup trend that hasn't appeared for the first time on catwalk- technically it's a classic, and if I do say so myself, Armani Beauty have done a fabulous job of shooting with red lips and creating products that make this fab trend available to the world. This berry, red lips was seen everywhere on the SS15 catwalk and I think it would be perfectly suited to my chosen brand, simply because Armani Beauty channel that glamour and more beautiful type makeup with a side dish of class- and because red is such a classic colour, this makes perfect sense! Castello whom is a leading makeup artist for Giorgio Armani Beauty said in an interview with Vogue a lot about hollywood and old school glamour that make any woman look sexy! This classic trend was seen all over the lights of Burberry and Zac Posen. Wendy Rowe was the makeup artist that created the matte Burberry red lip for SS15.

Wet, Texturised Hair 

This effortless, slightly wet, textured hair was extremely popular amongst the lights of Topshop Unique and Julian Mcdonald. Even this sort of texture with a middle parting is very similar to what we have seen from Armani Beauty before in ads, and I personally think is perfect in order to contrast such a beautiful makeup. Without making the hair look too girly, this style is slightly messy and just looks so effortless. I really think the idea of wet, tousled, textured hair would suit perfectly to my chosen brand and is definitely something we have seen before in Giorgio Armani beauty campaigns. Anthony Turner for L'oreal created this flawless hair for Topshop Unique and here's what he said...

"I called this look 'moody teenager who has gone to Blackpool for a weekend'

Najla Kaddour. (2014). NARS SS15 make-up looks from New York Fashion Week. Available: http://najlakaddour.com/nars-ss15-makeup-looks-from-new-york-fashion-week/. Last accessed 9th Feb 2015.

Ayesha Muttucumaru. (2014). Sneak Peek: The top SS15 hair and beauty trends. Available: http://www.getthegloss.com/gallery/sneak-peek-the-top-ss15-hair-and-beauty-trends#slide-10. Last accessed 9th Feb 2015.

Artists that work with Giorgio Armani Beauty

Lets Talk Artists...


Linda Cantello 
A large part of the reason I wanted to do this post is to discover the artists that Armani have chosen to work with, and what makes them stand out from the rest. After doing some research on my brand and their image, I looked at some of Cantello's work to see where her skills lied and how she perfected her trade in order to represent Armani beauty as a brand. Most will commonly associate Cantello with her work on Megan Fox for Giorgio Armani Eyes To Kill Ad, where she created a beautiful strong brow, golden eyes with a natural-ish pink flare to the lips. She highlighted the highest point of the model's face and this especially emphasised in the centre of the face. She is an international makeup artist that has been around so for so long, she in fact is suspicious of creating the smoky eye- something she is very profoundly known for. From my research, I can tell that her trade has led her into the high-fashion, catwalk path where she has made a name for herself and creates a mixture of both natural to sexy makeup. Something I noticed that Cantello spoke a lot about in an Interview with Vogue Online, was the idea that you can't always make a woman look beautiful, but you can make her sexy.

To make this artist's work more relevant to my brief this semester, I researched some of the work and upcoming designs they have been part of for SS15. This is the look that Linda Cantello has created on a face chart for Spring/ Summer 2015. The eyes are said to be the focal point of the whole look, with pale, translucent skin and lips. Taupe/ neutral toned brown shades and pops of silver appearing to be the most prominent use of colour. Although there essentially is a metallic pop of silver in this makeup design for SS15 Armani Womenswear, the overall look is very translucent, glowy in the right places and subtle.
Tim Quinn
Tim Quinn whom once worked alongside the infamous Pat Mcgrath, is now almost the product guru of Armani Beauty and circles the U.S, educating department stores on upcoming releases, trends related to newest products and what designs Armani Beauty artists are coming up with themselves. Whilst still being a very profound makeup artist in both the celebrity and media world, Quinn has also worked on a number of different catwalk looks alongside Castello. As a former model and now creative designer for Armani Beauty, Quinn gives the whole world in-side tips through fashion mags and notoriously hints what fab products there are in the Armani makeup range. This is a fantastic tool for not only the increase in product purchase for Armani Beauty, but also really gets makeup brand out there and associated with the right type of high-fashion places, like ELLE, Cosmo and especially Vogue. By recommending to women all over the world what products work beautifully, the audience are instantly attracted because they've seen the catwalk looks- why wouldn't they want that too?


Lisa Niven. (2011). Linda Castello . Available: http://www.vogue.co.uk/beauty/2011/10/13/linda-cantello-giorgio-armani-make-up-artist. Last accessed 9th Feb 2015.

Doya Karolini. (2014). The Beauty Look by Linda Castello for Giorgio Armani Spring/ Summer 2015. Available: http://www.the6milliondollarstory.com/beauty-look-linda-cantello-giorgio-armani-springsummer-2015/. Last accessed 9th Feb 2015.

n/a. (n/a). Tim Quinn. Available: http://www.giorgioarmanibeauty-usa.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-armani_us-Site/default/Search-Show?cgid=tim-quinn&bookmark=338042. Last accessed 9th Feb 2015.