Wednesday 18 March 2015

5 P's of Giorgio Armani - PRICE POINT

So, I briefly touched down on the idea price point linked to association and image, and in this post I will be looking into this even more. Let's face it, it's no secret that Giorgio Armani, alongside Chanel and YSL- are not the cheapest or even most affordable brands out there. Not only is Giorgio Armani a follow up beauty collections based on a high-fashion designer, but can really only be found on the Giorgio Armani Beauty website, Selfridges, John Lewis, Harrods and in Airport Duty Free. Armani's price range is anywhere in-between £20- 315, with their skincare being their highest priced product. Some of the places you are able to find Armani Makeup, is very important because it shows us what sort of target audience they are targeting, and what image overall they are giving off. Due to their products very oftenly- apart from being available for purchase online, being stored in almost up market department stores suggests that they are not trying to be affordable. They want class and price to link closely to their market if not the value of their products. They want their magnetic bullet black lipstick to be a luxury, a prized possession in your makeup bag and being expensive comes into that. - 18/03/15 - 18/03/15 - 18/03/15 - 18/03/15

The price point of the products actually tend to vary, with some of their products like the lipsticks ranging from £26.50-30- making them recognisably affordable in comparison to a Tom Ford Lipstick but still more expensive than your average MAC lippy. So, in some sense we could just say Armani is right up there with most designer brands but then exceeds in price massively, when producing a product like the range of Crema Nera collection that retails for a more than steep £315- even more than the infamous Creme De La Mer. I think it's extremely important to consider the price point of a brand because it gives us an idea of their image, whether that be to imitate class and produce luxurious products.

n/a. (n/a). n/a. Available: Last accessed 18th Mar 2015.

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